Comcast became the first Internet Provider to offer a product designed to maintain connectivity when a storm hits, trees are down, or a customer experiences a local outage, with the launch of
Storm-Ready WiFi. With severe weather impacting the North Bay, there has never been a greater need for a back-up connectivity solution.
Storm-Ready WiFi device is equipped with cellular back-up and a four-hour rechargeable battery, more than enough power to keep customers up and running for the average power outage in the U.S. of two hours. Storm-Ready WiFi also doubles as a WiFi extender to deliver a strong signal to every corner of the home.
For more on how Storm-Ready WiFi works click
here. We’ve also put together some helpful
storm preparedness tips as storm season begins here in the North Bay and across the country.
Being connected to news and loved ones during a local crisis like a weather event has never been more important. Storm-Ready WiFi is one of the many ways consumers can stay connected when the power goes out.