Interested in joining one of our dynamic committees?
Guidelines & Criteria
- Membership must be in good standing and paid on time.
- Must be an active member, either through a business you are employed at or through an individual membership.
- Can not have been employed by the Chamber for a minimum of three years.
- Must work or live within Marin County.
- Must be committed to the objective of the committee.
- Dedicated to improving the business and social environment of the community.
- Have a willingness to promote the committee's initiatives within their organization and broader networks.
- Participates in Chamber events and activities, demonstrating commitment to the Chamber's broader goals.
- Demonstrate reliability in attending meetings with active participation.
- Complete the Chamber Committee Application below.
Belonging & Engagement Committee
- Vision: comprised of diverse business leaders who represent the collective communities served by the Chamber. This team aims to foster a more inclusive and equitable business environment to ensure all businesses have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the economic success of the community.
- Primary Activities & Tasks:
- Promote diversity that will attract, retain and celebrate businesses owned by people of color, women, veterans, and additional underrepresented groups
- Championing equity that identifies and addresses systemic barriers by advocating for change to policies and practices that create a more level playing field for all
- Ensure all businesses have equal access to resources and opportunities like networking events, funding sources and training programs
- Fostering inclusion by creating a welcoming environment by developing strategies to make the Chamber and its events more inclusive for all members, regardless of their background or identity
- Priorities for 2025:
- Ensure that all business owners, regardless of background, have the tools, funding, and support needed to grow and thrive within the community.
- Collaborate with local stakeholders to create pathways for all entrepreneurs to engage fully in economic opportunities, from procurement to business development.
- Provide businesses with guidance on inclusive hiring and workplace practices that promote diverse talent and create welcoming work environments.
- Develop networking opportunities, public initiatives, and recognition programs that celebrate and elevate the contributions of all businesses.
- Support policies that promote fairness and opportunity in the local economy, ensuring that business success is accessible to everyone.
- Impact:
- We Are One Marin podcast
- Updated Mission Statement that reflects the intent and impact.
- Developed inclusive hiring protocol to expand business support capacity with English-Spanish bilingual staffing.
East San Rafael Working Group
- Vision: to promote the importance of East San Rafael to the community’s overall health; foster prosperity and address shared concerns.
- Impact: What Do We Mean to the City of San Rafael
- When: 1st Thursday of the month at 10am via Zoom
- Committee Chair: Stephanie Plante
Education Committee
- Vision: to act as a catalyst for existing MCOE career-related and pathways programs by facilitating healthy student internship experiences in Marin County. Provide support for the education community that will ensure students attending Marin County Schools and Colleges are prepared and productive participants in a complex, changing, technology-driven society.
- Primary Activities and Tasks: Identify, promote, and support common educational goals by fostering understanding, cooperation, and collaboration between the business and education communities.
- Priorities for 2024:
- Committee recognizes outstanding educators throughout the year
- Committee hosts the annual “New Teacher Welcome” Meetup in October and the “Excellence in Education” Award Ceremony at the May Meetup
- Committee facilitates successful internships with Marin County businesses for high school and college students from College of Marin & Dominican University, Barowsky School of Business Institute for Leadership Studies via the Internship Connection and MCOE
- When: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12pm
- Committee Chair: Brad Honsberger
Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC)
- Vision: to represent the interests of local business and chamber members to elected officials and governing bodies. Reinforce value to our members and to the San Rafael business community by protecting and promoting their interests, tracking, and taking positions on issues that impact our members and the community.
- Primary Activities and Tasks: responsible for research, evaluation, consideration and providing position recommendations to the full Board on issues and candidates.
- Priorities for 2024:
- Keep informed on mounting transportation, housing, and workforce development issues and work towards solutions
- Influence public policy by inviting elected officials and key stakeholders to meetings and mixers
- Create a report card on our performance in advocacy to show how effective our advocacy was and what was advocated for
- Compare elected officials' voting record with Chamber positions to see how each is voting
- When: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 12pm via Zoom
- Committee Chair: Joe McCallum
- Staff Liaison: Karen Strolia
Green Business Committee (GBC)
- Vision: to connect the voice of sustainable business with the Chamber, its members and greater business community, in order to help all these groups gain awareness and progress towards a more sustainable future.
- Primary Activities and Tasks: to increase the number of Certified Green businesses within the existing SRCC membership. Promote sustainability through training/education/accessible content. Recognize green champions and organizations through managing the Green Business Award application and nomination process. Recommend green business policy positions (initiative or legislation) that are successfully adopted by SRCC Board of Directors. Drive city/county/business network adoption of green business incentives, preferred buying and recognition.
- Priorities for 2024:
- Increase committee membership and Green Business certification among Chamber members by 10%
- Recognize green champions and organizations through managing the Green Business of the year application and nomination process: increase applications by 10%
- Elevate the Chamber as a green leader, embed sustainability into Chamber practices
- Promote sustainability through training/education/accessible content
- Drive city/county/business networks adoptions of green business incentives, preferred buying, and recognition
- Collaborate with other business organizations on sustainability efforts.
- When: 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12pm via Zoom
- Committee Chair: Mark Chhabria
Women of Industry Committee (WOI)
- Vision: celebrates and lift up successful women business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs in Marin County.
- Primary Activities and Tasks: recognizes women leaders demonstrating excellence in her field while significantly impacting the community and beyond. All proceeds raised at the luncheon event go towards a scholarship for one woman to attend the San Rafael Leadership Institute (hyperlink web page).
- Impact: Women Empowerment in Business Blog
- When: 3rd Monday of each month
- Committee Chair(s): Lynsey Kayser and Courtney Budesa
Health & Wellness Resource Group (HWRG)
- Vision: Contribute to a thriving community that incorporates health and wellness into daily life and help business owners and managers support the health of their employees, and understand the value doing so.
- Primary Activities and Tasks: providing health education events and resources that focus on how health and wellness topics can aid their lives and businesses. Provide outreach and educational information to the community at large regarding health and wellness.
- Priorities for 2024:
- Better integrate Health and Wellness Resource Group into Chamber activities
- Events should have more of a business feel and relate to the business community. Emphasize how Health and Wellness relates to productivity in the workplace.
- Participate in more pre-existing Chamber member affiliated Health and Wellness Fairs and events.
- When: 2nd Monday of the month via Zoom
- Committee Chair: Jessica Price
Homelessness Committee
- Vision: TBD
- Primary Activities and Tasks: TBD
- Priorities for 2025: TBD
- Impact: TBD
- When: TBD
- Committee Chair: TBD
North San Rafael Working Group Committee (NEW in 2025)
- Vision: TBD
- Primary Activities and Tasks: TBD
- Priorities for 2025: TBD
- Impact: TBD
- When: TBD
- Committee Chair: TBD
Nonprofit Committee (NEW in 2025)
- Vision: TBD
- Primary Activities and Tasks: TBD
- Priorities for 2025: TBD
- Impact: TBD
- When: TBD
- Committee Chair: TBD
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