• Starting & Growing Your Business

  • SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives)
    455 Market Street
    San Francisco, CA 94105
    (415) 744-6827
    Fax (415) 744-6750

    With more than 50 counselors the SBA program offers free one-hour consultations weekly to new and existing business owners by appointment. The counsellors have real world experience providing free counseling in accounting, business planning & structure, commercial leases, eCommerce, finance, manufacturing, marketing, operations, retail, strategic planning, and more. Our low cost workshops guide you to successfully plan and operate your business.

    SCORE counselors meet with clients at the Chamber office on Wednesday afternoons.



    We connect small business owners with Business Advisors who work hands-on with clients to address challenges, seize opportunities and grow their bottom line through expert no-cost counseling and top-notch low cost seminars. We work side by side with entrepreneurs to help them realize their business dreams.

    Our Business Advisors can help you with:

    • Business planning;
    • Marketing strategies and planning;
    • Sales;
    • Access to capital, including bank finance, SBA loans, and asset financing;
    • Venture funding;
    • Government contracting;
    • Strategic technology acquisition and practical, hands-on application;
    • Financial Projections & Budgeting;
    • Operating Challenges;
    • And more…

    To receive free business counseling services, simply visit the SBDC One-on-One Advising page and fill out the applications for services form. You may also call (415) 755-1100 or email Miriam Hope-Karell at miriam@marinsbdc.org.


    (415) 473-3330

    Business ownership offers many rewards as well as challenges. The Marin Employment Connection (MEC) offers outstanding resources to help local employers meet these challenges and reach their business goals. Employer services available through MEC include: workshops, seminars and information on a wide variety of topics of concern to businesses; customized employee training programs; basic employment skills evaluations; staff available to answer employment-related questions; CalJOBS: no-fee Internet job listing service; facilities for on-site recruitment; a library of forms and publications; and consulting and other services for small businesses and start-ups.


  • Get Your Business Online with Google

    We have partnered with Google's Let’s Get Our Cities on the Map program, a tailor-made program designed to strengthen 30,000 communities across the nation by helping their local businesses get online.

    Our Let's Put San Rafael on the Map site is loaded with helpful resources, like a diagnostic tool that shows businesses how they appear on Search and Maps, a step-by-step guide for getting online with Google My Business, and our free website offer (a free website and domain name for one year with our partner, Startlogic).

    Getting your business listed online is key to increasing exposure and helping your potential customers find you. It is a great way to make your location, hours and other information accessible on the front page of a search without the searcher having to find your website. Check to see if your business is listed on Google now!


  • FAQ's about starting a business in San Rafael

    Click on any of the following questions to find the information you need or Click Here to visit the City of San Rafael's Business Assistance Information Page.