On behalf of the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber Education Committee presents- RMJ Foundation, Bite of Reality Program on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 8:30 am - 11:30 am.
In partnership with Redwood Credit Union and the San Rafael School District, the Bite of Reality event will teach teens basic money management in a safe, fun setting. Bite of Reality is a hands on simulation that appeals to teens while giving them a taste of real world financial realities.
Teens are given a fictional occupation, salary, spouse and family, student loan debt, credit card debt, and medical insurance payments. The teens then walk around to various table-top stations to “purchase” housing, transportation, food, clothing, household necessities, day care and other needs.
This interactive activity will teach teens how to make financial decisions and give them a better understanding of the challenges of living on a budget. Teens will have to deal with “pushy “car salesperson” and a commission based “realtor”, and weigh their wants versus their needs. Fortunately, the game also includes advisors to help with their financial needs.
We are inviting Chamber members to participate by volunteering at a station to play the role of various real life merchants. We are looking for the following businesses:
The Mall-Wants & Extras (cell phone, recreational toys, and electronic vendors)
Bring advertising materials and props to endorse your industry and your business to "sell" to approximately 100 of San Rafael's future buyers! This event is co-sponsored by the San Rafael Chamber, Redwood Credit Union and the RMJ Foundation.
Please contact Robert Friedman at Redwood Credit Union for more information and to sign up. Robert can be reached at 707-775-9614 and by email at rfriedman@redwoodcu.org.