Women of Industry Luncheon & Marketplace 2015
Name: Women of Industry Luncheon & Marketplace 2015Date: November 17, 2015Time: 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM PSTRegistration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.Event Description:Please call the Chamber direct at 415-454-4163 to purchase tickets
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - Be sure to wear a hat!
10:30am - 12:00pm- Registration, Marketplace and Networking
12:00pm - 1:30pm- Lunch and Program
1:30pm - 2:30pm- More Shopping and More Networking
The “Women of Industry” Luncheon is in recognition of the successful Women Business Owners, Professionals and Entrepreneurs here in Marin County. The San Rafael Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 3rd Annual Luncheon in recognition of one exemplary San Rafael businesswoman. This honor goes to a businesswoman who exemplifies extraordinary leadership in her industry or company and has made a significant contribution to the citizens and the businesses of Marin County.
We invite you to join us this year as we pay tribute to the fabulous and remarkable Patty Garbarino for all of her outstanding contributions to our community.
2013 Honoree: Joan Cappuro
2014 Honoree: Ann Brebner
Check out our Sponsorship Opportunities and help make this event even better!
Explore bringing your business to the Marketplace at this year's Luncheon to sell your wares and increase your exposure!
Your participation in this fun event will help us add to our Women of Industry Scholarship Fund. This fund was established to provide tuition fees for a deserving woman entrepreneur or small business owner to attend the San Rafael Leadership Institute.Event Sponsors:-
- Filice Insurance Agency
- Rodan + Fields
- Law Offices of Hilary Spaulding Namnath
- Nelson Family of Companies
- Shira Ridge Wealth Management
- Marin Roto Rooter
- Redwood Credit Union
- Kaiser Permanente
- The Mechanics Bank
- Perfect Timing Personnel Services
- Accuchex Payroll & Insurance
- Apex Suites
- Morgan Stanley Wealth Management - Helen Baldovinos
- Joan E. Capurro
- MarinLink Inc.
- AJ Paint Masters Plus
- Bonnie Fells, Nerium International Brand Partner
- Mad Rags Fashions
- EO Products
- The Boisset Collection Marin County
- TooMuchStuff
- In Her Shoes
- The Cole Porter Society
- Comcast
Location:Peacock Gap Clubhouse
333 Biscayne Drive
San Rafael, CA 94901Date/Time Information:Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Time: 10:30am - 2:30pmContact Information:Emily MaloneyFees/Admission:$65 chamber member, $75 non-chamber member
$5,000 – Millner Sponsor –San Rafael Leadership Institute Scholarship awarded to recipient in company name, product placement and/or exhibitor table in marketplace, premier seating/table of eight (8), ½ page ad in program, company name listed in program, and logo in PowerPoint, name recognition at table and at podium
$2,500 – Tiara Sponsor –product placement and/or exhibitor table in the marketplace, premier seating/table of eight (8), ½ page ad in program, company name listed in program and logo in PowerPoint, name recognition at table and at podium
$1,000 – Top Hat Sponsor – includes table of eight (8), 1/4 page ad in program, company name listed in program and logo in PowerPoint, name recognition at table and at podium
$500 – Derby Sponsor – includes four (4) event tickets, business card ad in program, company name listed in program and logo in PowerPoint, logo at table
$250 – Beret Sponsor – includes two event tickets, name listed in program and in PowerPoint
$100 – Cloche Sponsor – includes one event ticket, name listed in program
$650 – Cowboy Hat/Host Table Sponsor – table of eight (8) includes recognition of table host and premier seating, logo on table and listed in program and in PowerPoint
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Champion | Catalyst | Convener